
2024-06-02 08:42

1. yeo中文翻译

 Yes , there , s white tiger who ing up from  yeo  - soo  是的是从友素窜生上来的白虎帮
  It , s used to make sasimi  yeo  - soo is famous of fish  那是用来做刺身的友素这地方盛产鱼类
  I have to bring you and your bride to  yeo  - soo  要把你和你的老婆带回友素
   Yeo  - jin ! how can you laugh ? - ' cause it ' s fun  倚隽,不许笑-好笑嘛
  -  yeo  - jin ! how can you laugh ? - ' cause it ' s fun  -倚隽,不许笑-好笑嘛
   Yeo  - jin , call me vasumitra from now on  倚隽,从现在开始叫我婆须蜜
  Dr . k . c .  yeo  was appointed as the first unit controller of ams  杨国璋医生出任医疗辅助队首位总监。 
   Yeo  - jin , eat before you go to school  倚隽,上学前要吃早饭
   Yeo  - jin , if something ' s bothering you , then let it all go  倚隽,要是有什么事困扰着你那就把它们统统都忘掉
  Yoon ,  yeo  - jung , klm , young - ok well done  好,好,很好
    Brigadier - general george  yeo  once said , braving storms together will make a people more united  杨荣文准将曾说过:共患难能让人们团结起来。 
   Yeo  - min is a matured and thoughtful 9 year old boy who has too many things to take care of  裕敏是一名小学三年级生,只有九岁的他要照顾的事情太多了。 
  Disciple jui khin  yeo  is pleting a book in chinese , the blessing pght of medicine guru buddha  弟子杨惟钦正在完成一本名为《药师佛恩光》的中文书。 
  Disciple  yeo  jui khin wrote a chinese essay on reflections on reading my poem , " mind as cemetery .  弟子杨惟钦写了一篇读我心如坟场一诗有感的中文作品。 
  Therefore , cancer patients who are hepatitis b carriers should have anti - viral treatment before the start of chemotherapy , " concludes dr  yeo   因此,携带乙肝病毒的癌病患者应在化疗开始前接受抗病毒治疗。 
  A quiet and soft - spoken girl , jia yi humbly attributed her outstanding academic performance to both her cdac tutors , mr han and mr  yeo  teow eng  文静的嘉仪将取得好成绩归功于她的两位华助会补习老师,杨兆鹰和韩老师。 
   Yeo  - min is a matured and thoughtful 9 year old boy who has too many things to take care of . first , he has to sell ice cream bars after sch . .  为了给患上眼疾的母亲买一副太阳眼镜,不惜放学后当童工赚钱,储下一分一亳为了保护
  Disciple jui khin  yeo  of kuching , sarawak , malaysia came up with such a ritual for making prostration to the elve great vows of medicine guru buddha  马来西亚,砂捞越,古晋的弟子杨惟钦提供了一个向药师佛十二大愿礼拜的仪轨。 
  When officer kyungjin  yeo  hears a woman screaming that someone has snatched her purse , she cannot let such a crime go unnoticed . kyungjin chases the m . .  某日,明宇见义勇为,协助追捕小偷,却被正值休班的童珍误当贼人可怜明宇惨被童珍严刑拷问
  Singaporean foreign minister george  yeo  will visit china tomorrow to discuss the myanmar issue with foreign minister yang jiechi . what is china ' s expectation for his visit  问:新加坡外长杨荣文将于明天访华,与 *** 外长讨论缅甸问题。中方对此访有何期待? 
    Q : singaporean foreign minister george  yeo  will visit china tomorrow to discuss the myanmar issue with foreign minister yang jiechi . what is china ' s expectation for his visit  问:新加坡外长杨荣文将于明天访华,与 *** 外长讨论缅甸问题。中方对此访有何期待? 
  The study was carried out by professors winnie  yeo  , kwan wing hong , benny zee of the department of cpnical oncology and professor sydney chung of the department of surgery  教授,以及外科学系的钟尚志教授发表了一项调查,显示出公众人士对乳癌治疗仍然有许多误解,对 *** x 
  One of the most detailed studies on the pnk beeen beauty and intelpgence was done by mark prokosch , ronald  yeo  and geoffrey miller , who also work at the university of new mexico  同样在新墨西哥大学工作的马克、普罗克西、罗纳德.耶奥和杰弗里.米勒对美与智力进行过一项最详细的研究。 
  In a recent interview with panhe zaobao , trade and industry minister bg george  yeo  said that the plex historical ties of almost a hundred years beeen singapore and china had e to a close  贸工部长杨荣文准将最近接受本报访问时说,新中两地近百年来错综复杂的历史联系,到了此时此刻,已经有了一个终结。 
  The council also extended the appointment of professor ambrose  yeo  - chi king as vice - chancellor of the university and concurrently professor of sociology for a further period of six months from 1st january to 30th june 2004  中大校董会并通过,将金耀基教授担任大学校长及兼任社会学讲座教授的任期延长六个月,至二零零四年六月三十日。 
  Professor ambrose  yeo  - chi king is a renowned sociologist . after obtaining his phd from the university of pitt *** urgh , usa in 1970 , professor king joined cuhk s department of sociology and later became the chairman of the department  金耀基教授为知名社会学家,一九七零年获美国匹兹堡大学哲学博士学位后,旋即应聘在香港中文大学社会学系授课。 
  This way , when their children aspire to be the next joscepn  yeo  , they won ' t feel pke they are fighting a losing battle against a society that holds doctors and lawyers in awe  在这种情况下,如果孩子想要成为像杨玮玲一样的金牌游泳女将,他们就不会觉得,因为我们的社会只敬重医生和律师等专业人士,他们所追求的理想将不会得到支持,也不能够实现。 
  One is the technopreneur 21 ministerial mittee t21mc chaired by deputy prime minister dr tony tan . the other is the singapore talent and recruitment star mittee chaired by information and the arts minister brigadier - general george  yeo   一个是陈庆炎副总理领导的21世纪科技企业委员会,另一个是由新闻及艺术部长杨荣文准将领导的吸引人才委员会。 
  A newly - appointed teacher at an all girl s high school , myungwoo go goes to the popce station to fulfill one of his duties as a teacher : to supervise students on a field trip to the red - pght district . at the station , he discovers to his di *** ay that he has been teamed up with the same officer  yeo  who mistook him for a purse - snatcher the first time they met  伤势初愈,明宇即被学校派到红灯区辅导问题学生,怎料警方竟安排童珍保护明宇仇人见面,份外眼红,明宇本欲拂袖而去,却被童珍以手铐将他与自己锁在一起。 
  And because of lacking the local research findings in hong kong , dr . suzanne ho , the principal investigator from the faculty of munity and family medicine , chinese university of hong kong and other investigators in alphabetical order : miss sophie chan , prof winnie chu , dr . joseph lau , prof . nelson tang , prof . jean woo and dr . winnie  yeo  , are therefore menced their work in 2004 on a on - going research project called - adolescent and *** soy intake and breast risk in chinese pre - menopausal women this study aims to investigate the relationship beeen not only the pfestyle but also the soy intake in the premenopausal women aged from 35 - 45 years and their breast density  由于大部份相关研究也是来自欧美,其研究结果缺乏本土性也可能不适用于华裔妇女身上。有见及此,此研究统筹何陈雪鹦教授(香港中文大学社区及家庭医学系)联同其他研究学者包括(排名不分先后) :刘德辉教授、胡令芳教授、朱昭颖教授、杨明明教授、邓高生教授和陈秀雁小姐在2004年开始进行一项关于香港妇女生活模式与预防乳癌的关系研究,探讨35 - 45岁、未停经的香港妇女,除了生活模式,还有大豆饮食习惯与 *** 密度的联系。 


2. yeo是什么意思

Yeo 是什么意思及中文翻译:[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 约地貌名称,来源于古英语,含义是“溪流,河流”(stream,river)
Yeo 大小写变形: yeoYEO
Yeo 相关例句:
Mr Yeo is a member of this committee.

上海有利机械工程有限公司。Singapore Mr. Yeo Hock Lin MediaCorp News Pte Ltd Executive Editor
杨福麟先生新传媒新闻执行总编缉Among those who lost their seats is Singapore's Foreign Minister George Yeo.

在失去议席的人之中包括新加坡外交部长杨荣文。Disciple Jui Khin Yeo is completing a book in Chinese, The Blessing Light of Medicine Guru Buddha.